9 Easy Ways to Save Money on Your Water Bill
We’ve been listening about saving water for so many years, but it is the time when we start working on it. Our small habits can dramatically decrease water wastage and bring a huge difference in our water bills.
Also, maintaining a home already causes a lot of money to the homeowners. Therefore, if you save water and spend less money on water bills, it can also help you in managing your finances. Additionally, it will also help you save the invaluable facility of nature, i.e., water.
So, here are the top 9 easy sneaky ways that will save your money on your water bills –
1) Repair all the leaks
The first thing you can do to reduce your water bills is to repair all the leaks in your home’s pipelines. So, check all your pipelines thoroughly as a single drip can lead to the wastage of several liters of water in a month and take a lot of money from your pocket. Thus, be it a small faulty faucet or a pipeline leakage, get everything fixed as soon as you observe it.
2) Replace the old appliances with new water-efficient products
The early appliances were not designed for saving water and being water-efficient. Hence, they consume and waste a lot of water. Therefore, if you think about saving water, you should consider replacing them with new efficient products.
You can replace your old dishwasher, washing machine, and toilet appliances such as taps with new ones. This way, you will be saving water not just when you turn off the tap but also when it is running and save a huge amount of water in the long run.
3) Turn it Off
The best way to save water is to turn your water appliances off when you are not using them. For example, you can do it by turning off the shower while you are lathering up or conditioning your hair, or turning off the tap while brushing your teeth, etc. These tiny habits will save a lot of water and also lower your water bills.
4) Use your Water appliances at full loads only
Everyone has this habit of cleaning clothes or doing the dishes all the time so that everything appears nice and they don’t have a massive load of washing work to do.
However, if you refrain from this habit of using your machine every day for a few times and start using your appliances only when you have a big load of clothes or dishes, you will end up saving lots of money on water bills. Also, it will save you money on the power that these appliances use during every usage.
5) Sweep More
You’ll be surprised to know the amount of water you can save by simply using your hose wisely.
While working outdoors or cleaning your driveways or sidewalks, you can just wipe away the dirt with a good push broom. This will save gallons of water that you usually waste. Also, while you are cleaning your car, don’t forget to turn off the hose between your rinses. This will save a lot of water!
6) Collect Rain
Collecting rainwater is simply the ideal way of saving water. This way, you consume what nature provides to you and lower your expenditure on water bills. Plus, it is an affordable measure as you only have to install the right tools to capture your roof’s runoff.
For this, you can consider attaching a rain barrel to your home’s downspout and save water in a tank. You can use this water for your plants, clean your car. If your area gets enough rainfall, you can collect a lot of water during the rains and reduce your bills.
7) Cover the pool
Swimming pools are one such area of your home that causes a lot of water loss and increases your regular water bills. So it is highly recommended that you reduce the requirement of refilling your pool every while by covering it when you are not using it.
Covering your pool leads to less evaporation and less water loss, and you won’t have to fill it more frequently.
8) Be creative!
An interesting way to save water is by installing water bottles in your toilet tank. These bottles will take up space in your tank and reduce the amount of water your toilet uses in every flush.
For this, simply take two soda bottles, fill them with something heavy such as pebbles so that they get some weight, and settle down in the tank. Next, unscrew your tank ad place the bottles in a place where they don’t touch any operating parts. Screw it back, and you are done!
Now, whenever you flush, the tank will be refilled with less water, and you can save gallons of water by doing this smart trick.
9) Just go native
You have to frequently water your regular plants in the garden so that they stay alive and healthy. Now, why don’t you consider planting some native, drought-resistant plants in your garden and reducing the number of times you have to water your plants?
Native plants can easily survive without much care and need little watering. If you plant some drought-resistant grasses, flowers, shrubs, or trees at your home, you will save loads of water.